Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Enter & Pay for Competitions On-line

The Hunter Paces, Mini Trials, Jumper Shows / Cross Country Pace competition and the Combined Test can now be entered and paid for on-line.  It is requested that you use the on-line entry forms for these competitions as it will streamline the data entry on our end and hopefully be convenient for you to use.  You are NOT required to pay on-line but if you choose to, you will be responsible for the $7 transaction fee.  If you mail in your payment; it must be received within 7 days to hold your spot in the Mini Trials, by closing date for the Combined Test OR bring the payment with you for the Jumper Show & Hunter Paces. Keep in mind that entry fees for the Jumper Show / Pace Competition are less expensive and you can request start times for the Hunter Pace if you pre-enter.  I only ask that if you're not going to come that you let me know. The recognized events can be entered on-line via X-Entry and the Dressage Show & Test Clinic is listed with the other 'clinics and camp' instead of competitions.

Scroll down to check out the new on-line forms. The links to the forms will also be available on the SGF  website as well as the information on the new Jumper Derby when it becomes available.

We're looking forward to a busy year and hope to see you at one of our competitions.


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